Oklahoma ranks first in the nation in the use of antipsychotic drugs without a psychiatric diagnosis in nursing home residents. Oklahoma nursing home records show one in five residents are inappropriately prescribed antipsychotics despite the medications’ serious side effects. Instead of treating our nursing home residents with respect and dignity, and providing proper care, our nursing home owners simply sedate them with drugs that carry dangerous and deadly side effects. Chemical restraint of our seniors must be stopped.
Senate Bill 142 will require that a resident or their caregiver consent before being administered an antipsychotic and presented with less risky alternatives. It also will require a physician to determine the underlying problem which will lead to better and less intrusive treatments.
Will you help us fight this outrageous and immoral practice? EMAIL YOUR STATE SENATOR and ask them to vote yes on Senate Bill 142.
The post Protect Seniors from Being Drugged, Vote Yes on SB 142 appeared first on AARP States.