(EDMOND, OK) – AARP Oklahoma urges OG&E customers and Oklahoma Corporation Commissioners to reject OG&E’s $92.5 million utility rate hike proposal. If approved by Corporation Commissioners, Dana Murphy, Bob Anthony, and Todd Hiett, the rate hike doubles the monthly OG&E customer charge from $13 to almost $27 and adds a costly residential demand charge.
SoonerPoll (December 2016) surveyed 440 likely voters with the following findings;
- 85% are concerned about the cost of electricity rising
- 79% oppose a rate increase
- 87% oppose doubling the customer charge from $13 to $27 per month
- 80% oppose adding a residential demand charge
“It’s clear from the poll results that likely voters are opposed to any rate hike scheme or plan that OG&E is proposing,” said Bill Shapard, found of SoonerPoll.com. “Oklahomans do not believe OG&E is doing enough to keep utilities affordable and want the Corporation Commission to act on their behalf.”
Sean Voskuhl, AARP OK State Director, points out that no other state in the country has permitted a residential demand charge by an investor-owned utility company. “Demand charges are based on peak usage. So, when the customers use the most energy, they are paying at that highest rate. Also, doubling the monthly customer charge is an excessive burden that Oklahomans simply can’t afford. Customers will owe OG&E over $315 a year before they even turn on a light.”
Additionally, in July 2016, OG&E instituted a $69.5 million in interim rates on customers. This means while holding on to customers’ money in the form of interim rates, OG&E is simultaneously requesting millions more in new rate hikes. 85% of those polled oppose interim rate increases.
AARP OK has consistently advocated on behalf of residential utility customers fighting against unjustified utility rate increases. “We need you, the OG&E customer to raise your voice before OG&E raises your rates,” Voskuhl said. Customers can contact Corporation Commissioners Murphy, Anthony and Hiett and say #NO2OGE by calling 1-844-248-8224 or get involved at action.aarp.org/No2OGE.
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